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525 William Penn Pl, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA
40.4401116, -79.9978537
Leech Tishman is committed to providing professional legal service to individuals, businesses and institutions, offering the value you expect and a practical approach.
We recognize that selecting a law firm is extremely difficult. There are many great law firms. We approach every engagement knowing that you have a lot of choices, and that we need to earn your trust every single day.
Our firm is built on a few core principles:
First, our lawyers are highly skilled. That doesn’t mean all went to Ivy League schools, or graduated first in their law school class – although we have plenty who have. It means the lawyers handling your matter have achieved the highest level of expertise in their area of practice. Most have accolades to show it, but most importantly, our lawyers have won the confidence of clients just like you because they’ve repeatedly delivered good results based on their skills and experience. If there is a single reason we’ve been around for 25 years and have expanded across the country, it’s because we understand the importance of being exceptional at what we do.
Second, we are value-conscious. While we have not priced our rates below market, we happen to think most highly-skilled business law firms are priced above market. It seems their rates support excessive overhead, or their professionals are not focused on accountability or performance. In any case, we’re intentionally focused by design to offer value.
Finally, we collaborate. We add the most value to your business or your institution by deeply understanding what you’re most concerned with – and then collaborating across practice groups to help you address your legal matters. Most problems aren’t one-dimensional –- it’s often worthwhile for a business lawyer to get a litigator’s perspective to make sure you’re covered if there is a dispute; it also makes sense for an intellectual property lawyer to weigh in on an employment contract, and so on. Proactive, collaborative legal services are our promise.
Thanks for learning more about our firm. It’s always our privilege to serve you.